New: Buzz Book 2012 - Novel by R J Palacio - Wonder

book cover of 



R J Palacio    
WONDER by R J Palacio is the book everyone will be talking about in 2012 - it is the debut novel that has provoked the most incredible response within Random House Children's Books. It tells the story of ten-year-old August Pullman, an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face, and the way he changes the lives and the perspectives of everyone around him. We think he might change yours too.

WONDER is funny, frank, powerful and poignant. It will touch you to the core. It is a book you'll read in one sitting, pass on urgently to others, and remember long after the final page.

we have found that everyone who reads this book immediately wants to talk about it. Please join in on Twitter: #thewonderofwonder

Published By Bodley Head March 2012


Carmen said…
Ooh how intriguing!