Kate Cann - Witch Crag - Book Review

book cover of 

Witch Crag 


Kate Cann
Paperback: 320 pages
  • Publisher: Scholastic (4 Oct 2012)
  • Age: 12+
  • ISBN-10: 140710702X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1407107028

In a world where 'elite' men rule and women and 'weak' men are second class, Kita and her friends must make a choice: to remain with tribes and accept arranged marriages and being treated with less value than sheep, or escape and journey to the place that even the strongest men fear with their lives - the witch crag.

The first thing that you'll notice about this book is that it is very easy to read which I actually really enjoyed. The writing is not particularly over the top which, I think, really helps to navigate the story with ease. The Dystopian setting has been written very well - it felt fresh and original which kept me reading right up to the very last page.

The story revolves around four tribes: the sheepmen, the horsemen, the farmers and the witches. All who live a basic life of survival within their own communities. 

Kita, the leading character of the book, finds herself seeking a better life after being treated with less value than a sheep. She embarks on a journey that will change the four tribes forever. However, the tribes must somehow overcome their prejudices and join together, especially after facing the evil threat from the people from the city. 

I found the city to be a particularly interesting part of the story. It was really sinister and yet still enchanting. I would have liked to have read more as it set my imagination on fire. Nevertheless I was soon quickly drawn to the characters of the city - Geegaw and The Manager. They might have only played a small part in the story, but I feel that one of them will certainly have a greater part to play in further adventures. I feel that there will be more to come but I'm really not sure what the author's intentions are.  

The book brings about some timely interventions - mild violence/adult themes that help the adventure to flow with ease and bring it to life. I felt that I was able to engage with all of the characters. The friendships and the romantic theme that the author built in may have been slightly predictable in my opinion, but I can live with that.

The ending built into a climax although it was, at times, rather vague. Nevertheless it was still very gripping to read. The final battle scene was graphically very well written and concluded the story admirably.

This is an enjoyable read from an author that I've not heard of or read before. I will certainly look out for more of her books or maybe the next part to this book . . . . if  there is going to be one. One to pick up and have a go.........
