
Showing posts with the label Classic

Philip Caveney - STAND AND DELIVER - Blog Tour (Top Five Adventure Books Post)

Catherine Bruton - Another Twist in the Tale - (Nosy Crow) - Book Review (Mr.Ripley's Enchanted Books)

Book Review: Sally Gardner Drawings by David Roberts - Tinder - Published by Indigo

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Dan Stevens on new project - Frankenstein - (Downton Abbey)

Book Review: Chris Priestley - The Dead Men Stood Together - Bloomsbury

Mr Ripley's New Children's Books - July 2013 Post Two

Book Review - Ian Johnstone - The Bell Between Worlds (The Mirror Chronicles) - HarperCollins

Book Review: Jon Mayhew - Monster Odyssey

Book Review: Veronica Cossanteli - The Extincts

Book Review Classic: Alfred Hitchcock and The Three Investigators In The Mystery of the Talking Skull By Robert Arthur

Mr Ripley's Book Choice: Gobbolino, The Witch's Cat,70th Anniversary - Ursula Moray Williams illustrated by Catherine Rayner

R.L Stine - Nightmare Hour - Time for Terror - Book Review

John Stephens - The Emarald Atlas - Book Review