Andy Briggs - The New Adventures Of Tarzan: The Savage Lands - Book Review
We are now swinging into the third instalment featuring the world's first eco-warrior, Tarzan. The Savage Lands is Andy's latest explosive adventure which sees Tarzan being brought back to life within a modern day setting. Tarzan will be a hot topic this year as he is celebrating his 100th birthday and an animated Tarzan movie (by Constantin) is due to hit the UK at the end of the summer. Therefore, there is no better read in which to get you into the mood of Tarzan and his fascinating life.
In this epic book we see Lord Greystoke arriving at the logger's camp which is found deep in the Congo. Hoping to track down his elusive long-lost cousin Tarzan, he will stop at nothing to eliminate the potential of him inheriting the Greystoke legacy. However, Lord Greystoke also has other things on his mind, which become much clearer later on in the story.
Andy was a great choice of author to write this series of books. He has a fantastic style in which he writes descriptive and realistic settings. Upon reading, you feel like you're actually in the jungle looking down from a massive tree and watching all the action that is going on first hand. It's Andy's personal jungle vision that he shares with us through words, but like no other author does.
It would appear that his involvement in writing movie projects such as Freddy Vs Jason has perhaps, in my mind, given him the experience to pack a book with a lot of screen-like action. Travelling through this high-octane journey you will visit the sprawling ancient city of Opar. It feels like something straight from the movie set of Raiders of the Lost Ark. The evil insane Queen La is an absolute joy to read. She is a seriously twisted and dark-to-the-core female character. I loved her role in the book; I really wanted to read more.
This book finishes with a breathtakingly action-packed finale, which will definitely take a little bit of time to sink in. I really loved reading the Savage Lands. In my humble opinion, this is the best book in the series, so far. This is another fantastic read - hopefully there's a lot more to come.
Published By Faber and Faber (7 Feb 2013)