Book Review: Mark King - Frenzy ( A Daniel Jones Story) -
I really liked the look of this book. In fact, so much so, that I highlighted it in my March book release post. It will therefore come as no surprise, as to how pleased I was, to get an email from Susan from the Book Publishing Guild asking if I would be interested to receive a copy for review. Therefore, many thanks Susan for getting it to me so quickly.
I don't know anything about this author, for example, I don't know whether this is his debut book or how many books are going to be in the series. I am presuming that there will be another one to come based on the ending/outcome of the book. At least, I am really hoping that there will be another one because I would love to see how the plot unfolds.
Bang. Bang. Bang. . . . The pages of the book gave a mighty shake from the power of the author's storytelling. Bang. Bang. Bang. . . . . Frenzy is a compelling dystopian novel that will wrap the readers up in a vivid and exciting adventure. Every page had me gripped in a vision of a new world order - aliens invading earth and life returning back three thousand years to the Dark Ages.
Bang. Bang. Bang. The ground shook with such terrifying power that once again the soul of humanity would cry out in fear tonight.
Daniel, the main character, stumbles on The Overseers barbaric secret. Unfortunately, they soon learn about his discovery. From then on his peaceful life is shattered forever. On the run, he leaves his family, friends and village behind. Accompanied by Gwendolyn, who has the charm of a snake and a bite that's twice as dangerous, and Mary, who is the only person left alive over forty. She's no good at fighting, but at least she can remember what life used to be like... and, maybe, just maybe, how to restore it.
The author has captured and produced an atmospheric dystopian vision. He has kept the storyline simple, but with just enough detail to let your imagination run wild. The story felt fresh and original. Although in parts, it was very emotional especially the further you travel down the path. The three main characters are particularly well written with just the right amount of dialogue to keep the focus on the adventure ahead. Some graphic action and a small slice of sci-fi gave the story a new dimension, which made it really memorable.
This story will feed the soul of the imagination. It is for those who love a good story - one that will unsettle you one minute and then play with your heart strings the next. It's a quest to save lives at any cost by avoiding the many enemies that cross their path. Family, friendships and past lives creates and interesting read - it will keep you on your toes until the very end. The only small problem is that it is far too short at only 226 pages and even then, some of these were taken up by a number of black and white illustrations. In my opinion, it needed to be 150 pages longer in order to really feed my appetite for this brilliant story. I'm really hoping for much more as part of another instalment. This story is really just starting the written journey.
Please support this new author in town and also the smaller publisher company. You'll find that the hardback will look really nice on your bookshelves. If you do purchase a copy to read, then please leave a comment, as I love reading them. Bang. Bang. Bang. . . . Silence
Book Guild Publishing, Published 28 March 2013 - ISBN 978 1 84624 877 1